Number of Drive-Ins per year
1948 | 1954 | 1958 | 1963 | 1967 |
88 | 388 | 382 | 315 | 263 |
1972 | 1977 | 1982 | 1987 | 1998 |
280 | 192 | 137 | 56 | 13 |
Operating Theatres
- Town And Country Drive-in
2902 Vogel Ave.
Abilene, TX
(915) 677-9899
- Tascosa Drive-In
1999 Dumas Hwy, Amarillo, TX
reopened 1999
- Fiesta Drive In Theatre
13800 Montana Ave El Paso, TX 79938-9676
(915) 857-0000
- The Last Drive-In Picture Show
(254) 865-8445
Highway 36, one mile south of Hwy 84, Gatesville, TX
- Graham Drive-In Theatre
Jacksboro Highway, Graham, TX 76450
(817) 549-8478
- Brazos Drive In
1800 West Pearl, Granbury, TX 76048
(817) 573-1311 or 573-8086
- Showboat Drive-In

22422 FM 2920 Rd.
Hockley, TX 77447
Phone: (281) 351-5224
- Zocalo Theater & Perfomance Art Co
5223 Feagan St, Houston Texas
Phone #:(713)861-2442
Last Saturday of every month
Number of Screens: 1
Built 1993
- Sky-Vue Drive-In Theatre
South Big Spring Highway, Lamesa, TX 79331
(806) 872-7004
- Valley Drive-In Theatre
Hwy 83, Mc Allen, TX
(210) 682-8201
- Wes-Mer Drive In
2090 West Highway 83, Mercedes, TX 78570
(956) 565-9050
- Midway Drive-in,
Quitaque, TX
- Tower Drive-In Theatre
Rule, TX
(817) 997-2382
- Mission Drive-In Theatre

3100 Roosevelt Avenue, San Antonio, TX 78214
(210) 532-3259
- Crossroads Drive-In Theater

Hwy 90A .
Shiner , TX 75701
- Apache Drive-In
Hwy. 31 E.
Tyler, TX 75701
(903) 566-1199
Shows Adult Films

Dead Drive-Ins
- Park Drive-in, Abilene, Tx
- Buckhorn Drive-in, Alice, Tx
- Twin Drive-In, amarillo, Tx
- Sunset Drive-In, Amarillo, Tx
- El Ray Drive-=in, Amherst, Tx
- Mustang Drive-in, Andrews, Tx
- Twilight Drive-In, Anson, Tx
- Tarpon Drive-InAransas Pass, Tx
- Downs Drive-In, Arlington, TX
- Burnet Drive-In,

Burnet Rd, Austin, Tx
- Fiesta Drive-in, Austin, Tx
- Showtown USA Twin Drive-In, Austin, Tx
- Southside Twin Drive-In, Austin, Tx
- Hillcrest Drive-in, Ballinger, Tx
- Decker Twin Drive-In, Baytown, Tx
- Showtown USA Twin Drive-in, Beaumont, Tx
- Bonham Drive-In, Bonham, Tx
- Bonavista Drive-In, Borger, Tx
- Mustang Drive-In, Bovina, Tx
- Trail Drive-In, Bowie, Tx
- Corral Drive-In, Breckenridge, Tx
- Rustic Drive-in, Brownfield, Tx
- Camp Bowie Drive-In, Brownwood, Tx
- Skyway Twin Drive-in, Bryan, Tx
- 77 Drive-in, Cameron, Tx
- Winter Garden Drive-in, Carrizo springs, Tx
- Apache Drive-In, Center, Tx
- Red River Drive-in, Clarksville, Tx
- Chief Drive-In, Cleburne, Tx
- Twin Ranch Drive-In, Cleveland, Tx
- Gulf Drive-in, Clute, Tx
- Cole Anna Drive-In, Coleman, TX
- Circle Drive-In, College Station, Tx
- Joy Drive-In, Copperas Cove, Tx
- Gulf Drive-In, Corpus Christi, Tx
- Surf Drive-In, Corpus Christi, Tx
- Thunderbird Drive-In, Corpus Christi, Tx
- Twin Palms Drive-in, Corpus Christi, Tx
- Viking Twin Drive-In, Corpus Christi, Tx
- Navarro Drive-In, Corpus Christi, Tx
- Minosa Drive-In, Corsicana, Tx
- Derrick Drive-In, Crane, Tx
- Pioneer Drive-in, Cross Plains, Tx
- El Rancho Drive-In, Dalhart, Tx
- Kaufman Pike Drive-In, Dallas, Tx
- Astro Drive-In,

Dallas, Tx
- Buckener Blvd Drive-In, Dallas, Tx
- Gemini Drive-In, Dallas, Tx
- Cinderella Drive-In, Dallas, Tx
- Hi-View drive in, Dallas, Tx
- Starlite Drive-In, Dallas, Tx
- Kiest Drive-In, Dallas, Tx
- King Drive-In, Dallas, Tx
- Linda Kay Drive-In, Dallas, Tx
- Lone Star Drive-In, Dallas, Tx
- Starlite Drive-In, Dallas, Tx
- Weeping Oak Drive-In, De Leon, Tx
- Sunset Drive-in, Decatur, Tx
- Co. Ed. Drive-in, Denton, Tx
- Town and Country Twin Drive-In, Denton, Tx
- Mustang Drive-In, Denver City, Tx
- Me dina Valley Drive-In, Devine, Tx
- Rebel Drive-In, Dublin, Tx
- Prairie Drive-in, Dumas, Tx
- Pan-Am Drive-In, Edinburg, Tx
- Ascarate Drive-in, El Paso, Tx
- Bordertown Drive-In, El Paso, Tx
- Bronco Drive-In, El Paso, Tx
- Cinema Park Drive-In, El Paso, Tx
- Lomaland Drive-In, El Paso, Tx
- Rocket Drive-in, El Paso, Tx
- Midway Drive-In, Elsa, Tx
- Foxfire Drive-in, Ennis, TX
- Mid Cities Drive-in, Euless, TX
- Capada Drive-In, Floydada, TX
- Belknap Drive-in, Fort Worth, TX
- Cherry Lane Twin Drive-in, Fort Worth, TX
- Cowtown Drive-in, Fort Worth, TX
- Masnsfield Twin Drive-in, Fort Worth, TX
- Meadowbrook Drive-in, Fort Worth, TX
- Parkaire Drive-in, Fort Worth, TX
- Southside Twin Drive-in, Fort Worth, TX
- Twin Drive-in, Fort Worth, TX
- Westerner Drive-in, Fort Worth, TX
- Corral Drive-In, Fort Worth, TX
- Riverside Drive-In, Fort Worth, Tx
- 87 Drive-in, Fredericksburg, TX
- Elk Drive-In, Friona, Tx
- Hi Ho Drive-in, Gainesville, TX
- Apollo twin Drive-In, Garland TX
- Town & Country Drive-in, Gatesville, TX
- Century Quad Drive-In, Grand Prairie, TX
- Trail Drive-In, Greenville, TX
- Tower Drive-in, Hereford, TX
- Airline Drive-In, Houston, TX
- Gulfway Twin Drive-in, Houston, TX
- Irvington Drive-in, houston, TX
- King Center Drive-In Twin, Houston, TX
- McLendon Triple Drive-in, Houston TX
- Post Oak Twin Drive-in, Houston, TX
- Telephone Rd Twin Drive-In, Houston, TX
- Tidwell Drive-in, Houston, TX
- Humble Drive-in, Humble, TX
- Picture Show Drive-in, Huntsville, TX
- Pines Drive-in, Huntsville, Tx
- Park Plaza Drive-In, Irving, TX
- Texas Stadium Triple Drive-In, Irving, TX
- 183 Drive-in, Irving, TX
- Mesquite Drive-In, Jacksboro, TX
- Yellow Jacket Drive-In, Kermit, TX
- Bolero Drive-In, Kerrville, Tx
- Killeen Drive-In, Killeen, Tx
- Rancier Twin Drive-In, Killeen, Tx
- 440 Twin Drive-in, Killeen, TX
- Kings Drive-in, Kingsville, TX
- Bayou Triple Drive-In, La Marque, TX
- Sky Vue Drive-In, Lemesa, Tx
- Jacksboro Drive-In,

Lake Worth, TX
- Circle Drive-In, Lampasas, Tx
- Bordertown Twin Drive-In, Laredo, Tx
- Lobo Drive-In, Levelland, Tx
- Lewisville 121 Twin Drive-in, Lewisville, TX
- Milentz Drive-In, Liberty, Tx
- Picture Show Drive-In, Livingston, TX
- Llano drive-In, Llano, TX
- Lone Star Drive-in, Lone Star, TX
- River Road Drive-in, Longview, Tx
- Twin Pines Drive-In, Longview, TX
- Dona Lin Drive-in, Loraine, Tx
- Circle Drive-In, Lubbock, TX
- Corral Drive-In, Lubbock, TX
- Golden Horseshoe Drive-in, Lubbock, TX
- Red Raider Drive-In, Lubbock, TX
- Redland Drive-In, Lufkin, TX
- Showtown Twin Drive-In, Lufkin, TX
- Marfa Drive-in, Marfa, TX
- Capri Drive-In Theatre
5205 Victory Drive, Marshall, TX 75670
(903) 938-2381
- Circus Drive-in, McCamey, Tx
- Tower Drive-In, Memphis, TX
- Yellow Jacket Drive-In, Menard, TX
- Bruton Road Drive-in, Mesquite, Tx
- Chief Drive-In, Midland, TX
- Fiesta Drive-In, Midland, TX
- Texan Drive-In, Midland, TX
- tek Drive-In, Mineral Wells, TX
- Lobo Drive-In, Monahans, TX
- Pleasant Drive-In, Mt. Pleasant, TX
- X I T Drive-In, Muleshoe, TX
- Lumberjack Drive-In, Nacogdoches, TX
- Longhorn, Drive-In, New Boston, TX
- Tower Drive-In, New Braunfels, TX
- Chief Drive-In, Nocona, TX
- Twin Terrace Drive-in, Odessa, TX
- Mustang Drive-In, Olton, TX
- MacArthur Drive-In, Orange, TX
- Big O Drive-In, Ozona, TX
- Airport Drive In Theatre, Paris, TX
- 271 Drive In Theater, Paris, TX
- Dogwood Twin Drive-in, Palestine, TX
- Top O Texas Drive-in, Pampa, TX
- Pasadena Drive-In, Pasadena, TX
- Town & Country Twin Drive-In, Pasadena, TX
- Trevino Drive-In, Pearsall, TX
- Texan Drive-In, Pecos, TX
- Ranger Drive-In, Perryton, TX
- New Moonlighter Drive In
Tilden Road, Pearsall, TX 78061
(210) 334-8664
- Plano Triple Drive-In, Plano, TX
- Trail Drive-In, Pleasanton, TX
- Don Drive-In, Port Arthur, TX
- Chief Drive-In, Quanah, Tx
- Ranger Drive-in, Ranger, TX
- Corral Drive-In, Raymondville, TX
- H & H Drive-in, Rio Grande City, TX
- Reel Drive-In, Rockdale, TX
- Cove Drive-in, rockport, TX
- Garzas Drive-In, Roma, TX
- Twin city Drive-In, Rosenberg, TX
- Angelo Twin Drive-in, San Angelo, TX
- Twin Vue Drive-In, San Angelo, TX
- El Capitan Drive-in, San Antonio, TX
- El Charro Drive-In, San Antonio, TX
- Fredericksburg Rd. Drive-in, San Antonio, TX
- Judson 4 Drive-in, San Antonio, TX
- Kelly Drive-in Theater,

San Antonio, Tx
- Loop 13 Drive-In, San Antonio, TX
- San Pedro Outdoor Theatre, San Antonio, TX
- Trail Drive-In, San Antonio, TX
- Valley Hi Drive-in, San Antonio, TX
- Varsity Drive-In, San Antonio, TX
- Citrus Drive-In, San Benito, TX
- Juarez Drive-In, San Benito, TX
- Corral Drive-in, San Saba, TX
- Starlite Drive-In,

Schertz, TX
- Dixie Drive-In, Sequin, TX
- Chief Drive-In, Seminole, TX
- Brazos Drive-In, Seymour, TX
- Sher Den Twin Drive-in, Sherman, TX
- Twin City Drive-in, Sherman, TX
- Tiger Drive-in, Snyder, TX
- Holiday Drive-In, Spearman, TX
- Wagonwheel Drive-In, Spearman, TX
- H & H Drive-in, Stamford, TX
- Hi Vue Drive-In, Sulphur Springs, TX
- Rocket Drive-In, Sweetwater, TX
- Texas Drive-in, Taylor, TX
- Terrell Drive-in, Terrell, TX
- Tradewind Drive-In, Texas City, TX
- Tulia Drive-In, Tulia, TX
- Apache Drive-In, Tyler, TX
- Rose Garden Drive-In, Tyler TX
- Stardust Drive-in, Uvalde, TX
- El Rancho Drive-In, Vernon, TX
- Gemini Drive-in, Victoria, TX
- Lone Tree Drive-In, victoria, TX
- Joy Drive-In, Waco, TX
- Weatherford Drive-in,

Weatherford, TX
- Scott Drive-In, Wichita Falls, Tx
- Grant Drive-In, Wichita Falls, TX
- Falls Twin Drive-in, Wichita Falls,TX
- Seymour Drive-In, Wichita Falls, TX
List of drive-ins by states
Alabama -
Alaska -
Arizona -
Arkansas -
California -
Colorado -
Connecticut -
Delaware -
Florida -
Georgia -
Hawaii -
Idaho -
Illinois -
Indiana -
Iowa -
Kansas -
Kentucky -
Louisiana -
Maine -
Massachusetts -
Maryland -
Michigan -
Minnesota -
Mississippi -
Missouri -
Montana -
Nebraska -
Nevada -
New Hampshire -
New Jersey -
New Mexico -
New York -
North Carolina -
North Dakota -
Ohio -
Oklahoma -
Oregon -
Pennsylvania -
Rhode Island -
South Carolina -
South Dakota -
Tennessee -
Texas -
Utah -
Vermont -
Virginia -
Washington -
West Virgina -
Wisconsin -
Wyoming - Also -
Canada, -
Australia -
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